Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Creative Governance and the FiSH philosophy

The FiSH! philosophy will make a dramatic positive impact when introduced into public governance. I have read two books before on this subject. It is the third and latest book FiSH Omnibus that made me a convert.

I followed up with a Google search on the “ FiSH philosophy governance”. It came out with 64.500 results. Topping the list was a report in the Australian Defence Magazine. In fact several defence related agencies in Australia, including the Navy took up this approach (ref:.http://minister.defence.gov.au/defencemagazine/editions/200607/sections/rtp.htm)

A quick survey of the Google results show that the FiSH philosophy has spread to wide-ranging organizations, from government to corporations to schools, NGOs , etc.
Now, what is the FiSH philosophy about?
There are four basic principles to the FiSH philosophy:
 choose your attitude
 play
 make their day
 be present

I recommend that you go to www.fishphilosophy.com to find out more about this amazing FiSH culture.

I reproduce below the description of the FiSH philosophy from the official website:

What is FISH!®?

FISH! is a skill that provides the process, tools and language to generate the skills necessary to design a workplace full of inspiration, creativity and innovation. FISH! creates a common language. A language that will help improve your culture by using four simple practices – Be There, Play, Make Their Day and Choose Your Attitude™. FISH! is a wisdom that everyone can embrace.

It is an invitation that enables people to care about each other and their commitments. FISH! is an ongoing journey. It is not a fad. It is a practice and a skill that evolves over time creating a positive workplace and a vibrant culture each time it is embraced.

“Today, I can truly say that our organization has undergone a metamorphosis. What a fantastic difference that FISH! has made in our office. My only regret is that we didn’t know about it sooner. FISH! has become a way of life for us. Our staff is happier, our patients are happier!”- Kimberly Hoch, Novus Clinic

The FISH! Philosophy® emerged in 1998 from the film, FISH! Catch the Energy, Release the Potential, produced by John Christensen — current CEO aka: Playground Director at ChartHouse Learning — this film is about the Seattle's world-famous Pike Place Fish Market. What John captured and translated into film was that even in a workplace where fishmongers spent stinky, grueling 12-hour shifts stocking, selling and packing fish, remarkable results can occur when people accept the invitation to:
1) Be There for their coworkers and customers;
2) Play;
3) Make someone's day, and;
4) Choose their attitude about how they show up for work.

As a result, the FISH! film, now has now been translated into 17 languages. Next came FISH! the book, currently translated into 34 languages. Other book titles include FISH! Sticks, FISH! Tales, FISH! For Life, and recently, Schools of FISH!. Our newest products, FISH! Culture and LeaderFISH! will help organizations take FISH! into a deeper level.

Today, FISH! is flourishing in corporate and educational markets throughout the world— championed by business leaders, HR, training professionals and individuals committed to creating a culture of trust, accountability and innovation.

"We're not afraid to use words like ‘love’ and ‘soul’ and ‘spirit’, because those are an essential part of our humanity. But these values are just as important to businesses. Every organization needs people who are passionate, committed and free to live the organization's vision through their personal values." ChartHouse Learning seeks strong relationships with its customers. "Our customers inspire us as much as we inspire them. We're on a journey together — a global community discovering a better way to live at work." -John Christensen

The FISH! Philosophy is an invitation to re-awaken the self-trusting, creative spirit within each of us. It inspires you to start new conversations about what's possible and to develop new attitudes about how you show up in your community both at home and in the workplace. FISH! inspires you to have fun again, at work, at school and at home every day of the week!

Talk on Creative Governance

Please email me at DrYKK@mindbloom.net if you want to invite me to present an illuminating one hour Talk on Creative Governance and thereafter to facilitate a session to help solve a prevailing public and social problem in the spirit of Creative Governance.

I would appreciate if you could share Creative Governance stories with me so that they could be featured here. Please forward your response and contributions to DrYKK@mindbloom.net